Monday, June 7, 2010

Sunder: Day 22

Worked on the details of the novel's setting--The Leviathan Station.  Worked out its general size and drew a basic diagram of its interior layout, especially the train lines that are going to be part of Colbrit Niemeier's new "beat".  I may redraw some of the ward boundaries because looking at them now, there seem to be too many of them.  That is, the interior living spaces seem to be parcelled out too small.  Will look at that tonight.  It bears out what The Prophet has said, "You need to write down what you're going to abandon.  You need to see how it works in the whole before you throw it away."

It sounds obvious when I say it out loud, but having something like a diagram to refer to for the physical setting seems to fuel my ideas, especially for things like context and backstory.  I found myself imagining the history of specific sections, why they were given their names, the types of people that lived in those areas and the culture they are trying to create.  It seems I'm weaving some clothes for my naked emperor.

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