Don't have much to report tonight other than I showed up at the keyboard again. I made a little forward progress in the time I was here (about 600 words) which is something I guess. I spent a lot of time doing some medical research on some injuries Echols received. I also spent some time making corrections and cleaning up some of last night's work. If Sunder were a house I were building then I'd have to say I've alredy got the general shape drafted and I'm now starting to work on banging together the framing and the interior walls. At this very early stage it's just a lumber skeleton of the exterior (or part of the exterior if you really want to put things into perspective).
Part of me is very impatient to get underway, to start pecking away at the novel and tell the story, but I keep reminding myself how that tactic inevitably results in a fatal stall when I come across some stumbling block in the form of a crucial detail I don't know anything about or a plot problem I can't resolve. I had to force myself two or three times tonight to get back to roughing out the notes for the prologue and it has helped. Those stumbling blocks I mentioned did indeed occur, but I didn't feel so much frustration about stopping to do ad hoc research. Could it be, after all these years as a struggling, faltering hobbyist I have finally hit upon a method that works for me? Good lord! Did it take other writers this long?
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