More work refining some of the background materials for Sunder, specifically the last investigation that Det. Sgt. Niemeier participated in before losing his homicide rating. I keep saying that I'll finish it up soon, but every night that I work on it I find something new to add, revise or correct. The good news is that I am definitely closing in on finishing this phase of the work. Tonight I started adding a few details about how Niemeier and Malmburgh set about identifying the body they found. Iron out a few more wrinkles in the details of their investigation over the next couple nights and I can get back to the synposis, at which point some new plot point that needs explaining will reveal itself.
Not much happened today. Listened to some Black Keys and The Fumes. Bought some groceries, shower soap and shampoo this afternoon, had a nap for a few hours, then headed back to the office (the quiet, quiet office) to do some writing.
Early to bed tonight so I can get an early start tomorrow.
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